Thursday, September 17, 2015


The story of the broken screen

One day Philip went home from school. He was still hungry after the school lunch, so he had something to eat, so he looked into the fridge and saw some yummy food. He had a nice meal and went to his room to do his homework.
As he sat down to his desk, he felt horribly tired. he thought he would just have a short nap, so he went to his bed and snuggled up. He fell asleep immediately.
He woke up five and a half hours later. It was slightly too late to start his Maths homework, but he tried... he thought a little beer would help. It didn't. Then he found a bottle of fine Scotch that his dad had got for his birthday. He opened it and drank half a bottle. 
His homework? 
Erm... he was too drunk to think. He had this idea, he wanted to write a message to his friend for help. But his phone didn't work, so he wanted to switch on the old desktop comouter. It took ages to boot. Philip got angrier and angrier. Finally he was so angry that he just grabbed the old keyboard and pushed it in the middle of the monitor. 
In the morning....

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Have you ever

Képzeljétek el, hogy a szóbeli felvételien ezeket a képeket kapjátok. Készüljetek fel rá, hogy beszéltek az egyikről 2 percet.
-írhattok vázlatot
-elpróbálhatjátok (felvehetitek a hangotokat, hogy aztán meghallgassátok)

A klip:

Tanuljátok meg a rendhagyó igéket a következő videóból:(Kisérletezzétek ki, hogy milyen módszerrel tudjátok jobban megjegyezni őket! Megnézhetitek sokszor, jegyzetelhettek, etb.)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

I shouln't eat so much cereal for breakfast because you are so full.

I should not go to bed late, because the mornings are more difficult.

I should not check my phone so frequently.

I shouldn't get up so early.

I should eat less candy.

I shouldn't get up so early.

I should have more vacation.

There shuoldn't be maths classes.

My school should have a swimming pool and shouldn't have tests.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Home, learning

My home is brand new, it has got grey walls and a grey roof. My room is pink and my sister's is purple. We have a volleyball court in the garden, we haven't got a swimming pool but we would love to have one.

My dream house is in the US, it's on the beach, it has white walls and very big windows. It has a swimming pool.

I live in Balatonfüred, it's by Lake Balaton. There are great places and yummy ice cream.

I started learning English in kindergarten, I had lessons twice a week.

The best ways to learn a language is to watch movies, read books, having lessons and going abroad.

I use English at school and abroad on holiday.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Match the pictures (A, B, C) with two comments each.

Picture A

Picture B

Picture C

Comment 1
Both funny and terrifying.

Comment 2
 My parents would take me and my brother to the local bar. We would all sit in a booth, they would drink beer, we would drink soda and watch "Lassie".

Comment 3
They should have put her in the front. She's the beginning of this line of beauties.

Comment 4
 I know some grandmas that would say, "I don't want to be in a picture with all you hussies!!!"

Comment 5
Nightmare from the darkest depths of Hell! I'd rather be locked in a house with a schizophrenic person than locked in a room with a ventriloquist dummy!

Comment 6
I remember going to a bar with my dad once when I was about 4 or 5 and sitting on a bar stool next to him. I thought it was great! It was dark and smokey in there, I got to drink a Coke, and the bar stool swiveled! It would probably be on the news if someone tried to do that now!

Answer these questions:

  • Do you live with any of your grandparents?
  • How many aunts and uncles do you have?
  • How often is your whole family together?
  • How do you celebrate birthdays in you family?
  • What is your favourite family holiday and why? (bday, Christmas, etc.)
  • Do you exchange Christmas presents with your friends at school?